Our 4-H and Youth Development agent is Amanda Parks (amanda.parks@ag.tamu.edu).
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides 4-H and curriculum enrichment opportunities for the youth of Collin County. 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H is about having fun, learning, exploring and discovering by pursuing their own interests – from photography to computers, from building rockets to raising animals. 4-H clubs may be in communities, in schools, or in after-school programs. Currently there are over 340 youth in Collin County 4-H.
Head stands for clearer thinking and decision making. Knowledge that is useful throughout life.
Heart stands for greater loyalty, strong personal values, positive self concept, concern for others.
Hands stands for larger service, workforce preparedness, useful skills, science and technology literacy.
Health stands for better living, healthy life-styles.
Curriculum Enrichment Programs are also available to public, private and home school teachers as well as any other group interested in teaching programs to our county youth. These programs meet TEKS/TACS requirements and many involve adult volunteers from within the professional ranks of our communities to speak and educate youth about their particular career fields. Many of these programs are science based, including “Hatching in the Classroom”, “Mobile Dairy Barn” and “Junior Master Gardeners”.